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About Elisabeth Dalsgaard

Elisabeth Dalsgaard, a distinguished Danish dance instructor, boasts a remarkable dance career highlighted by many national championships and triumphs at European and World Championships.

25 years as instructor and dedication to sharing the magic of dance, Elisabeth believes that everyone, including those in wheelchairs or using walkers, can learn to dance.

"Dance for Health" is Elisabeth's life purpose. Her many years as an instructor, combined with a university degree in Sports Science, have made her a pioneer, recognized with international and national awards for her expertise.    

Evidence that underscores the scientifically proven positive impact of dance on both the body and mind.

Patented in 2009. Elisabeth patented her acclaimed dance concept, Ballroom Fitness™, showcasing her innovative creation.

Parkinson in 2013 Elisabeth invented Parkinson Ballroom Fitness™ in collaborated with the Danish Parkinson's Association.

Multiple Sclerosis in 2020 she introduced MS Ballroom Fitness™

Award-wining. Parkinson Ballroom Fitness™ received in 2018, the 'Patient of the Year Award' from the Danish Health Authority.

International titles. Elisabeth is renowned for her teaching style marked by a logical structure, fantastic music, and infectious energy, which has earned her several international titles.